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Friday, January 4, 2008

Peven Everett - Easy Living (RMX)

one of the MANY "Easy Living" remixes and probably my fave out the bunch, you HAVE to let this rock to the 4:16 switch up, shit is lovely... btw I dont really rock Peven for his singing but more because I heard he plays every instrument on his records and tru3-magics em with a sharpie to the local stores in the Chi by himself lol, gotta love the DIY status even if it is sloppy...


donnie said...

If you ever get a chance to see this dude live...DO IT! Never have I seen someone keep a groove with just a 3 piece band. Dude kills it every time. Good post.

Che Grand said...

my fave joints are "dont go" and "sexy one"

i wonder if dude has any dates coming up in ny
id go...